Organic Portals – The “Other” Race
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Regular readers of this
site will be aware that events of the last year have brought the issue of
the psychopath home to roost in that part of the 3rd Density
Chicken Coop known as Laura has written extensively
about it in the Adventures Series and there are links to more
material on our psychopaths’
But even with as much as we had learned and
experienced first hand, we were still in for a surprise or two.
our research into psychopaths continued, and especially in reading the
work The Mask of Sanity by H.
Cleckley, we came to the conclusion that there exists what we call the
“garden variety” psychopath. This is the psychopath who is
“successful” in the sense that he doesn’t get caught. He operates
invisibly in society. He looks and acts just like “we” do, going about the
activities of daily life, and yet something is “missing.”
Cleckley describes it:
The observer is confronted with a convincing mask of sanity. All
the outward features of this mask are intact; it cannot be displaced or
penetrated by questions directed toward deeper personality levels.
The examiner never hits upon the chaos sometimes found on
searching beneath the outer surface of a paranoid schizophrenic.
The thought processes retain their normal aspect under
psychiatric investigations and in technical tests designed to bring out
obscure evidence of derangement.
Examination reveals not merely
an ordinary two-dimensional mask but what seems to be a solid and
substantial structural image of the sane and rational personality.
He might then be thought of, in the full literal sense, as an
example of what Trélat meant to designate by his expressive term, la
folie lucide.
Furthermore, this personality structure in
all theoretical situations functions in a manner apparently identical
with that of normal, sane functioning.
Logical thought processes
may be seen in perfect operation no matter how they are stimulated or
treated under experimental conditions.
Furthermore, the observer
finds verbal and facial expressions, tones of voice, and all the other
signs we have come to regard as implying conviction and emotion and the
normal experiencing of life as we know it ourselves and as we assume it
to be in others.
All judgments of value and emotional appraisals
are sane and appropriate when the Psychopath is tested in verbal
Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or
judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction
come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal
emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all
directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with
something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can
mimic the human personality perfectly.
This smoothly operating
psychic apparatus reproduces consistently not only specimens of good
human reasoning but also appropriate simulations of normal human emotion
in response to nearly all the varied stimuli of life.
So perfect
is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines
him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms
why, or how, he is not real.
And yet we eventually come to know
or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing
of life, is not here.
Cleckley is describing a person who is able to mimic the human
personality, but who leaves the impression that something is not
there. They have a personality structure which “functions in a manner
apparently identical with that of normal, sane functioning” and yet when
all is said and done,
“we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with
something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can
mimic the human personality perfectly” to the point that “no one who
examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or
objective terms why, or how, he is not real.”
Those of you who have seen the film The Man Who Wasn’t There
by the Coen Brothers and starring Billy Bob Thornton will recognize the
Moreover, we must remember that Cleckley is dealing
with clinical cases, the psychopath who has been caught, who has a
program malfunction, otherwise they would not have been in his office.
These people, even with minor glitches, can pass almost imperceptibly
among us.
But there exist others, and they have been named “Organic
Portals” (for reasons which will become clear), who are the successful
pyschopaths. These are people whose abilities of imitation are so
developed, so much an integral part of who they are, that they can only be
discovered after years of observation. They may never break the law and
become a criminal because they are more likely than not making those laws.
They may never steal, because they may very well be running the banks.
This recent article describing a speech by Dr. Robert Hare is an
illustration in point.
[Note: The article was published in August 29, 2002 issue of
National Post. The link to the article has expired, but its summary
can be found here]
Indeed, most
Organic Portals have no inclination to break laws, in fact the majority
have no real inclinations at all other than to pursue the “A influences”
(Mouravieff’s term) otherwise known as the social norms, such as
money, sex, marriage, fame or any of a host of other “ideals” that we are
all encouraged to strive for from an early age. The attainment of these
goals is held up in global society as the culmination of the search for
happiness, yet it is evident from the state of our world today that true
happiness remains as illusory and elusive as ever…at least for those who
have an inkling that there is “something more”.
So where do these
“life goals” that serve us so badly come from? Is it possible that they
are in fact someone else’s ideas and goals for us…is it in someone else’s
interest that most of us expend our energies and efforts in a fruitless
pursuit of chimerical happiness?
Well, this is not a new concept
at and is therefore an idea that will not be strange
to regular readers of the site, but what is new and indeed very strange is
the idea that there could be an “army” of these Organic Portals whose sole
function is to keep this fruitless search vectored to the "wilderness and
desert" as the standard modus operandi for this planet and as such, ensure
the continued production of “loosh” from 6 billion, continually
frustrated, human beings. It should be noted here that we are not talking
of some form of malignancy or evil on the part of Organic
Portals, rather it would seem that they are simply doing and acting
according to their natures, which it appears is to a large extent
As the research, ideas and thoughts developed it was
one revelation after another, and it soon became clear how possible this
grand plan could have been implemented:
It seems there are
possibly 3 billion organic portals sharing the planet, that is, one out of
two people on the planet may be effectively
The Adamic and
Pre-Adamic Races
In Book III of his Gnosis,
Mouravieff discusses what he calls "pre-adamic humanity" and
"adamic humanity." Here are some excerpts of what Mouravieff has to
the first volume of ‘Gnosis’, we already referred several times to the
coexistence of two essentially different races: one of Men, and another
of Anthropoids. We must emphasize the fact that from the esoteric point
of view the latter term has no derogatory meaning.
Scriptures contain more than one reference to the coexistence on our
planet of these two humanities – which are now alike in form but unlike
in essence. We can even say that the whole dramatic history of humanity,
from the fall of Adam until today, not excluding the prospect of the new
era, is overshadowed by the coexistence of these two human races whose
separation will occur only at the Last Judgment. (p. 107)
human tares, the anthropoid race, are the descendants of pre-adamic
humanity. The principal difference between contemporary pre-adamic man
and adamic man – a difference which is not perceived by the senses – is
that the former does not possess the developed higher centers that exist
in the latter which, although they have been cut off from his waking
consciousness since the Fall, offer him a real possibility of esoteric
Apart from this, the two races are similar: they have the same
lower centers, the same structure of the Personality and the same
physical body, although more often than not this is stronger in the
pre-adamic man than in the adamic; regarding beauty, we must not forget
that pre-adamic man and woman were created by God on the sixth
in His image and after His likeness, and that
the daughters of this race were beautiful. (pp. 108-109)
identifying himself with the ‘I’ of his Personality, Adam lost
consciousness of his real ‘I’ and fell from the Eden that was his
original condition into the same condition as the pre-adamics… The two
humanities, coming from two different creative processes, later mingled
on the level of organic life on Earth… From then on, the coexistence of
these two human types, and the competition which was the result of this,
became the norm…we can see that throughout the centuries, even in our
own day, adamics in their post-fall condition, have been are are
generally in an inferior position to the pre-adamics.
the moment we will restrict ourselves to repeating that contemporary
adamic man, having lost contact with his higher centers and therefore
with his real ‘I’, appears practically the same as his pre-adamic
counterpart. However, unlike the latter, he still has his higher
centers, which ensure that he has the possibility of following the
way of esoteric evolution. At present, pre-adamic man is deprived of
this possibility, but it will be given to him if adamic humanity
develops as it should during the era of the Holy Spirit. (p.
Mouravieff is telling us that there were originally TWO races that
evolved on the earth, and that these two races while being physically
almost identical, were very different from a soul point of view. It seems
that one had the potential to develop a sovereign and integral soul in
this lifetime, while the other were as empty cylinders in comparison and
were destined to wait another “turn of the wheel” or cosmic cycle.
adamic race is the race that suffered the Fall, which meant the breaking
of the connection between the higher centers (giving access to higher
knowing/awareness) and the lower centers (which govern physical
existence), and which left adamic man in the same “playground” as
pre-adamic man (talk about throwing the cat among the pigeons!)
addition, Mouravieff’s definition of the two races and the apparent
differences between them is eerily reminiscent of Cleckley’s
description of how the psychopath, cited above, compares with a
souled human being. Might that little something which is missing in
the psychopath be related to one’s potential for contact with the higher
Mouravieff’s description of the “Fall” of the Adamic
race also follows the same lines as the description given to us from
the C’s where we see that this is a symbolic version of the “Fall” of
our consciousness unit:
Q: Well, this is one of the problems I am dealing with
in trying to write this history of mankind. As I understand it, or as I
am trying to figure it out from the literature, prior to the ’Fall in
Eden,’ mankind lived in a 4th density state. Is that
A: Semi/sort of.
Q: Please be more specific.
4th density in another realm, such as time/space continuum,
Q: Okay, so this realm changed, as a part of the
cycle; various choices were made: the human race went through the door
after the ’gold,’ so to speak, and became aligned with the
Lizzies after the ’female energy’ consorted with the wrong side, so
to speak. This is what you have said. This resulted in a number of
the breaking up of the DNA
the burning off of the first ten factors of DNA
the separation of the hemispheres of the
A: Only reason for this: you play in the dirt, you’re
going to get dirty.
Q: (T) What were we before the "Fall?"
3rd density STO.
Q: (T) We are STS at this point because of what
happened then?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) We were 3rd density STO at
that time. Was this after the battle that had transpired? In other
words, were we, as a 3rd density race, literally on our own
at that point, as opposed to before?
A: Was battle.
Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through
Q: (T) The battle was through us as to whether we
would walk through this doorway...
(L) The battle was fought through us, we were
literally the battleground.
(T) Was the battle over whether or not we
walked through that door?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You
have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or
A: Oh Terry, the battle is always there, it’s
"when" you choose that counts!
Q: (T) This must tie into why the Lizards and other
aliens keep telling people that they have given their consent for
abduction and so forth. We were STO and now we are STS.
A: Yes, ... "When" you went for the gold, you said "Hello" to
the Lizards and all that that implies.
Q: (T) ...By going for the gold, we became STS beings
because going for the gold was STS.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And, in doing so, we ended up aligning
ourselves with the 4th density Lizard Beings...
Q: (T) Because they are 4th density beings
and they have a lot more abilities than we at 3rd density...
A: You used to be aligned with 4th density
Q: (T) And we were 3rd density STO.
But, by going for the gold we aligned ourselves with 4th
density STS.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And by doing so we gave 4th density
STS permission to do whatever they wish with us?
Q: (T) So, when they tell us that we gave them
permission to abduct us, it is this they are referring to?
A: Close.
Q: (J) Go back to what they said before: "Free will
could not be abridged if you had not obliged."
(T) We, as the human race, used our free
will to switch from STO to STS.
(L) So, at some level we have chosen the mess
we are in and that is the Super Ancient Legend of the Fallen Angel,
Lucifer. That is us. We fell by falling into that door, so to speak,
going after the pot of gold, and when we fell through the door, the
serpent bit us!
A: But this is a repeating syndrome.
Q: (L) Is it a repeating syndrome just for the human
race or is it a repeating syndrome throughout all of creation?
A: It is the latter.
adamic race with its full set of DNA, with its connection to the
higher centers in place and functioning, is what the C’s describe here as
3D STO living in a “semi/sort of” 4D state aligned with 4D STO. Must have
been nice….
In making the choice to experience greater physicality,
the consciousness unit fractures and “Falls” from the STO state, loses its
connection with the higher centers, and finds itself more or less at the
same level as the pre-adamic race, those who have no possibility of
reaching the higher centers because the DNA hardware isn’t in place.
However, because this new 3D STS existence was not the “natural
habitat” for a body with the potential to reach the higher centers, the
fallen race is at a disadvantage compared to the
Having seen the similarities between Mouravieff’s
description of the two races and Cleckley’s description of the
psychopath, Laura decided to pose a few questions to the
What is
the Organic Portal?
From Ascension II
Q: In Book III of his Gnosis, Mouravieff
discusses what he calls "pre-Adamic humanity" and "Adamic humanity." As
I read this I could see that the thing I was struggling to understand in
terms of psychopathy as discussed in the Adventures
Series, was exactly what Mouravieff was describing. However,
he was using the Bible to explain it, and that just didn’t quite work.
Nevertheless, the basic idea is that pre-Adamic human types
basically have no "soul," nor any possibility of growing one. This is
certainly shocking, but there have been many recent scholarly
discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence
that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical"
and have no "inner" or "higher self" at all.
Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. So, I asked
if his ideas about the two basic TYPES of humans were, as far as they
went, accurate.
A: Indeed, though again, there is a
"Biblical Gloss." [The pre-Adamic types are] "organic" portals
between levels of density.
This, of course, raised the issue of whether or not trying to
"help" or "save" such individuals was a waste of time.
A: Pretty much. Most of them are very efficient machines.
The ones that you have identified as psychopaths are "failures."
The best ones cannot be discerned except by long and careful
of the longtime members of the group then wanted to know if any of us had
ever encountered one of these "organic portals" and if so, would the C’s
identify one for the sake of instruction.
A: If you consider that the population is equally
distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary "souled"
person’s life, that person will encounter half as many organic portals
as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of
"growing" and strengthening the soul, the Control System
will seek to insert even more "units" into that person’s life. Now,
think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those with
whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would
YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?
Q: (V) Is this the original meaning of the "pollution
of the bloodline?"
A: Yes.
certainly gave a whole new meaning to the experiences I have described in
the Adventures series. It also became clear that the work of discerning
these "organic portals" from souled human beings is CRUCIAL to the
so-called "ascension" process. Without the basic
understanding of transformation of, and conservation of energies, there is
no possibility of fusing a magnetic center.
thus, it seems that the experiences described in the Adventures Series were
not only necessary to further refine the energies, but also to develop the
discernment process to a very high level. At this point, the group member
stated that there was a member of her family who she was certain was one
of these "organic portals."
C’s jumped to respond:
A: Now, do not start labeling without due consideration.
Remember that very often the individual who displays contradictory
behavior may be a souled being in struggle.
Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are
saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by
long observation. The one key we discovered from studying psychopaths
was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a
symptom of just being weak and having no will?
(A) How can I know if I have a
A: Do you ever hurt for another?
Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These
soulless humans simply don’t care what happens to another person. If
another person is in pain or misery, they don’t know how to
A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of
"food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting
perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general,
such actions are simply to retain control.
Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul
have to do with bloodline?
A: Genetics marry with soul if
Q: Do "organic portals" go to fifth density when they
A: Only temporarily until the "second death."
Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal
human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come
A: They were originally part of the bridge between
2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on
the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.
questions then moved onto issues about sleep. Ark had been reading the
transcripts and noted that the C’s had said that sleep was necessary for
human beings because it was a period of "rest and recharging." They had
also said that the SOUL rests while the body is sleeping.
the question was what source of energy was tapped to recharge both the
body and the soul.
A: The question needs to be separated. What happens to a
souled individual is different from an organic portal unit.
this point, we stopped and talked about the possibility that the life
force energy that is embodied in Organic Portals must be something like
the soul pool that is theorized for flora and fauna.
would, of course, explain the striking and inexplicable similarity of
psychopaths, that is so well defined, that they differ from one
another only in the way that different species of trees are different in
the overall class of "Tree-ness" So, we divided the question and asked
Q: ... where does the energy come from that recharges
Organic Portals.
A: The pool you have described.
Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a
similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?
A: No - it
recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of
creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked
by the lower intellectual center and the moving center, transduces the
energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the
higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of
the lower centers’ interaction with those pesky organic portals so much
loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a
difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also
more available to the other higher centers.
Q: From where does the so-called "sexual center" get
ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with
7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I
Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction.
Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
Q: Do the "centers" as described by Mouravieff
relate at all to the idea of "chakras."
A: Quite closely. In
an individual of the organic variety, the so-called higher
chakras are "produced in effect" by stealing that energy from souled
beings. This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled
beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a mirror of their
own soul when they ascribe "soul qualities" to such beings.
Q: Is this a correspondence that starts at the
basal chakra which relates to the sexual center as described by
A: No. The "sexual center" corresponds to the
solar plexus. Lower moving center - basal chakra. Lower emotional -
sexual chakra. Lower intellectual - throat chakra. Higher emotional -
heart chakra. Higher intellectual - crown chakra
Q: (V) What about the so-called seventh, or "third
eye" chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual
higher centers. This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd’s crook"
Q: (V) What about the many ideas about 12
chakras, and so forth, that are currently being taught by many new
age sources?
A: There are no such. This is a corrupted
conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the
physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the
magnetic center. The higher centers are only "seated" by being
"magnetized." And this more or less "External" [unseated] condition of
the Higher Centers has been perceived by some individuals and later
joined to the perceived "seating" locations, in potential. This has led
to "cross conceptualization" based on assumption!
Q: Are the levels of initiation and levels of the
staircase as presented by Mouravieff fairly
A: Yes, but different levels accessed in other
so-called lives can relieve the intensity of some levels in "another"
Summing Up
In the session quoted in Ascension II, the Cassiopaeans
confirmed that the two races existed, and that, once the Biblical gloss
was removed, Mouravieff’s description was accurate. They were able to
deepen our understanding by situating the pre-adamic race within hyperdimensional reality and
the Matrix control system.
Let’s look at four points they raised:
The pre-adamic race serve as portals between levels of
They are “very efficient machines” and “The best ones cannot be
discerned except by long and careful observation”
They steal energy from souled beings so as to emulate
They make-up one-half of humanity
One-half of humanity. Stealing energy from souled beings.
Think about it.
But there is a very important point to understand
before we can go any further: the two races have been interbreeding
for a very, very long time.
Intermixing of
the Races
It is extremely important to understand that the two races have
been interbreeding for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. It is
impossible to look at the races on the earth today, the red, the white,
the black, or the yellow, and argue that one or the other is this
“pre-adamic” and soulless race. We cannot speak of groups, nations,
tribes, nor peoples who are members of the “soulless” race
as a group.
DNA of the two races is completely mixed, and this is the real meaning of
the pollution of the bloodline. Only those with the appropriate genetic
makeup are actually able to accommodate a soul and therefore pursue
esoteric work, which means that no color or ethnic group is either
excluded or has an advantage.
Consider this further. The DNA of
these two races is so mixed that both can be found within the same
We wish to insist on this point so that the hard of
thinking will not accuse us of racism. The two races are so
intermingled that it is a question of the individual genetics of each
person on the planet. This is suggested in these comments from the
Q: (L) I want to get back on my question that you have not
answered... I want to know who, exactly, and why, exactly, genetically
engineered the Semitic people, and why there is such an adversarial
attitude between them and the Celts and Aryans.
A: It is not
just between the Jews and Celts, if you will take notice.
Besides, it is the individual aural profile that counts and not
groupings or classifications. But, to answer your question: there are
many reasons both from on and off the planet….
Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic "Master
Race" was what they were going after, to create this "breeding
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant?
Couldn’t a Germanic master race be created without destroying another
A: No.
Q: Why?
A: Because of 4th
density prior encoding mission destiny profile.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: This means
encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if
not eliminated, negates Nephilim domination and
absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after
conversion, though on individual basis….
will notice that the C’s are pointing us in the direction of individuals
and away from groups. It is not “groupings or classifications”, it is the
“individual aura profile.”
this coincides with Mouravieff’s statements on the issue as he remarks
…But the mixing of chromosomes was already an accomplished fact,
so that the hormonal symmetry of the adamics has naturally diminished
through the generations until it has become stabilized at the point it
has now reached. … certain indications in the Gospel lead us to believe
that the two human races that coexist on the earth are numerically
(p. 130)
repeat: The DNA of these two races is so mixed that both can be found
within the same families. Your brother, sister, mother, father, daughter
or son. Not somebody “other” across the world or across the street
worshipping a different god or with a different skin color. It may be
somebody you live with every day of your life, and if so, they have but
one reason to be here, to drain, distract and deflect souled beings
from evolving.
The way back to the activation of the DNA
necessary to attain the contact with the higher centers is not through
genetic manipulation, which is seeing the question through the “A”
influences. The way back is through the ancient spiritual science, the
real work of the alchemists, the work undertaken by the members of the
Quantum Future School, which through the heating of the crucible,
the neo-cortex, rewires the brain so that the ancient and broken
connection with the higher centers can be reestablished. It is the
fusing of the “magnetic center” the establishing of the insoluble,
the real “I”. This is “genetic modification” seen as a “B” influence.
Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th
A: That which is effected by pituitary gland.
Q: (L) And what is that?
A: Psychic.
Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that
facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of
Q: (L) How do you get added strands?
A: You
don’t get, you receive.
Q: (L) Where are they received from?
Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.
Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?
A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.
...It seems that many individuals who have come into this time period
from the future, coming back into the past via the incarnational cycle
so as not to violate free will, have carefully selected bodies with
particular DNA, which they are, little by little, activating so that
there 4th density selves, or higher, can manifest in this
reality. Is it possible for those energies to manifest into such bodies
which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd density?
A: STO tends to do the process within the natural flow
of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their
ends. [i.e. abductions and/or "magick."]
OPs and the Big Picture
That there exists a soulless race, now numbering close to 3
billion inhabitants of this planet, certainly helps explain why the planet
is in its current state. That this soulless race are portals used by the
4D STS to maintain their control over us further explains the depth of the
The members of the Quantum Future School
began the process of researching and sorting data in order to more
thoroughly understand the nature of Organic Portals (OPs) and where
they fit in the great dynamic of life. During this process, the following
discussion took place.
is quite lengthy so that you might get some idea of dynamic within the
J wrote: when talking about OPs and their constituting 50%
of the population, I assume we are not talking about the subjects
studied by Cleckley in The Mask of Sanity... I
mean very few of us, it would seem, have come across a psychopath
as described in the book. Or are we saying that psychopaths are a
more extreme class of OPs?..
Basically what relationship, if any,
do psychopaths have to OPs? any ideas?
L responded:
Psychopaths are OPs with glitches in their software.
I think
that it could be said that all primary psychopaths are
OPs, but not all OPs are psychopaths in the usual sense of
the word. But, I have been calling them "garden variety"
psychopaths until C’s called them OPs because after dealing with a
few of them in the extreme form - it became obvious that this was sort
of like seeing a caricature. A caricature exaggerates certain key
features that you then can immediately connect to the real person when
you see them.
The psychopath - in the different forms - seems to
have one or more of the characteristics of the OP in a distorted or
exaggerated manifestation.
C’s have pointed out - and I know its
true from experience - that OPs, that is "garden variety psychopaths,"
cannot be discerned except by long and careful observation and even
experience. They are so good at "faking" that they can perfectly fake a
Of course, the C’s have mentioned that they do
this by stealing soul energy. I hadn’t thought of that as a possibility,
and I was more or less thinking that they were conscious liars of some
horrible deviant sort. B___ mentioned that they might be "soulless." I
more or less rejected that idea for the idea of an evil soul. But C’s
say no. B___ was right.
Then there are secondary
psychopaths - which is a souled individual (or so I think)
who has chosen the "dark side." They act a lot like primary
psychopaths - only worse, usually.
B responded: you bring
up the subject again with the benefit of retrospective discussions and
your eye opening mention of the relationship between "portals" (organic)
and "doorways." It seems entirely possible that the function of an OP
has been coopted by 4D STS as a feeding tube for them. By this, I
mean that the original purpose or function for an OP may have had
nothing at all to do with feeding on the "adamic race".
From C’s
comments, it appears that the original function/purpose was to afford a
bridge between consciousness on a 2D level expanding to one of a 3D
environment. Do I have that correct.......?
J responded: I
have just been thinking about this and that idea occurred to me but the
question is how?....the Cs say the following:
Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal
human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come
A: They were originally part of the bridge between
2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts
on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave
...and this on short/long wave cycles...
"....being of a first level and second level nature, flora and
fauna would ordinarily experience a long term or long wave cycle on
the physical plane as opposed to a short wave cycle physical and
ethereal, as they do now because of their interaction with the human
species in its short wave ethereal/physical
was also said by the Cs that OPs recharge their life force energy from a
"pool", as if they are part of a group soul much in the same way that
trees are suggested to be...
But the question is, what is the
nature of this bridge between 2nd and 3rd density
function that OPs were originally intended for?... and in what way was
it usurped... Is it that they are in fact 2nd density souls
or parts of a 2D group soul that are inhabiting 3D bodies?
got to
get to the bottom of this...
B responded: Again here we
see that Organic Portals are not “bad” or “evil” in the
sense that we might ascribe to them without understanding their nature.
We can see from the above that their original function was to serve as
vehicles for newly evolved 2nd density souls, which, by
definition do not, as yet, have integrated souls themselves. However,
the key word in the above is “originally” - they were originally part of
the bridge between 2nd and 3rd density. This
suggests that their function or purpose has been corrupted or usurped
and they are now being diverted for some other use… a few words come to
mind... energy drain, distraction, confusion, manipulation ... (of
souled beings)..
As Laura has pointed out, more questions have to
be asked, but as typical with "hot" items, there is always a
multiplicity of other "hot" items that clamor for available time and
resources during a session. There may well be a distinction between an
aspect of creation that we could classify as an archetypical expression.
This may also be what we refer to as a "group soul". (I have had
some very lucid dreams that sort of point in this direction). This may
be something entirely different from what is referred to as a "soul"
unit or in our case a "fractured soul" unit.
If there is some
difference between the two, perhaps fractured archetypical expressions
of creation have the potential to "grow" aspects or expressions of
creation that we call or relate to a soul. The OP could be a vehicle for
this process. In one of the sessions, Jan and Terry were informed that
one of their cats was on the verge of experiencing incarnation in human
form the next time around. At the time, none of them/us had heard of the
OP concept, so it was natural to assume that this experience cycle as a
human would include attributes of a soul. But perhaps it is merely an
intermediate stage where that expression of creation has the opportunity
to "grow" soul attributes over many life experiences.
is cheap, but without consideration of possibilities outside of the
limits of our "confining box reality", we don’t have the openness to
entertain certain concepts. So this is all speculation, but with the
intent of raising the bar of possibilities, not with limiting
Another member added this: Keeping in mind B’s
caveat.... and continuing on his train of thought: I have just reread
the material in Ascension part 2 discussing the session with the
C’s on OPs. My impression is that OPs are the means for beings in 2D to
manifest in 3D as a natural part of their growth, the next stage. It
would be the first step. But because they were portals, they could be
used by 4D, too. Especially as they would have no knowledge with which
they could protect themselves.
There is this from that
Q: Do the "centers" as described by Mouravieff relate at all to
the idea of "chakras."
A: Quite closely. In an individual of the
organic variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in
effect" by stealing that energy from souled beings. This is what gives
them the ability to emulate souled beings. The souled being is, in
effect, perceiving a mirror of their own soul when they ascribe "soul
qualities" to such beings.
occurred to me that this might be the way that an OP comes into contact
with soul energy and is thus able to grow.
This "mirroring" of the soul which they do might be similar to
the process Gurdjieff discusses when he talks about individuals saying
to themselves "I AM".
They are not yet, but by saying this, they are able to begin to
act "as if." Souled individuals who are attempting to contact
this higher part of themselves "pretend" they already "AM" - please
excuse the grammar. They can do this because they are aware that this
higher level exists. They have this knowledge. The OP, not having any
experiential clue that a soul exists, learns about it through "stealing
that energy from souled beings."
This would make this process of
"stealing energy" a natural part of the plan of growth, while at
the same time creating the existence of the "door" which can be used by
4D STS to feed off of this soul energy.
Another member
further developed this idea.
I think perhaps we might feel
inclined to take the C’s comments as cryptic remarks a little too often.
It is obvious that some of them have to be dissected and deconstructed
for us to begin to establish relations and expose the hidden meaning,
but it is also clear that in some other cases they are just plain
straightforward in their remarks. This I think is the case with the
"OP’s as bridges between 2D and 3D" comment. This interpretation
of the matter has the additional value of making us see the role of the
OP’s within the larger picture of creation as something natural, and not
as some sort of aberration or manifestation of "evil".
majority of 2D denizens have a group soul which imprints their natural
behavior patterns with specific traits that vary from species to species
and conforms what is normally referred to as "instinctual behavior".
This is so because they are literally chips of the old block, that is,
fragmented pieces of a totemic soul.
Yes, there is such a
thing as a Tiger totem Spirit, and a Crocodile totem Spirit, and a
Monkey totem Spirit, and a lion totem spirit - Sekmet and the
gang - all of them residing in an archetypal realm and encompassing
all the particular traits of "tigerdom", and "monkeydom",
etc. Through a process of fractal replication they project this
identical, scaled down, copy of their souls which goes on to animate the
bodies of all 2D specimens of their own kind, and these same soul
fragments, with all the accrued experiences of their sojourn in the
physical world, return after physical death to the totemic soul to "add"
a little bit to it. This is the reason why "learnt behavior" is passed
down to the next generation in the form of "instinct" within the animal
The more developed animals eventually get to a point
where they outgrow this pattern by virtue of having developed in a more
individualized way, into a soul that won’t quite fit back into the
fractal "locus" that it originated from, preventing the process of
"binding" back with the "parent cell" from taking place and thus causing
the soul to differentiate and require a different genetic construct for
the next incarnational round.
This is very much like what Laura
explained when she talked about molecular receptors in the cellular
membrane (Totem Spirit in this case) being HIGHLY SPECIFIC to
certain ligands (soul fragments) to the point where any molecular
variation prevents the binding process from taking place at all. Also
remember that the C’s said "soul marries genetic construct when
present", meaning that this more individualized souls then have to make
a qualitative jump into the next level of genetic constructs.
Here I’m willing to venture that the majority of souls
outgrowing the soul-group pattern go on to incarnate as 3D organic
portals to start the difficult process of growing a human soul that H___
mentioned, more by imitation in the first stages of development, than
anything else. This would be the logical progression since they don’t
obviously arrive at the realm of 3D with a fully grown human soul
(Gurdjieff might have been the first one to make us aware of
this). It is also obvious that the lessons which will make the growing
of the higher soul possible are not very compatible with 2D realm
conditions; i.e. lessons having to do with sharing, empathy, compassion,
communicating feelings, etc., which are plausible, almost by default,
only in a 3D environment.
At this point, the newly incarnated
individuals are very much in a sort of transitional stage, having
outgrown the group-soul dynamics but not quite having arrived yet at the
stage where a permanent human soul is developed, therefore the Cassie
term "bridge" is indeed very appropriate and concise (Hurrah for the
Cassies! and their marvelous economy of words, which is something that I
sorely lacked in this rather long post...)
And then Laura rounded
the whole discussion off by tying in this relationship with the “Totemic
Soul” with the “vision” of Schwaller de Lubicz:
Hopefully, as you point out, with full understanding of the
reality basis for the STS - 3D material world - people will stop
trying to FIX it and stop reading it as "evil" in the sense of
conscious evil.
The cat is not evil because it tortures
and eats the mouse. It is just the "catness" and the "mouseness" of
Of course, 4D STS is something else again... it coopts
and corrupts and uses. Thus we see the "crypto-geographic" personality
manifested as proposed by Rodney Collins, which I discussed in the
Adventures Series.
We also note that this return to the
"totemic" group soul idea is what is promoted by Schwaller de Lubicz
and is the essence, it seems, of the idea of the "nine neters,"
or "nine principles," and even THE Nine, as they are
channeled by a lot of folks...
It is totally appropriate for
those who are OPs. It IS their reality!
another message, Laura further developed the ramifications of the
Totemic Group Soul idea by commenting on the another
R: OK, the OP is ’unaware" of his state - just like my dogs or
somebody’s pet cat. That, as you say, is their nature, and we can’t
blame them for it. But just like dogs or cats, we should treat them
with compassion, dignity and respect. Not just for their benefit, but
mainly for ours.
L: Those who might represent that nature -
doggie or kitty - yes. But what about those who represent the nature
of the boa constrictor... or the pit viper... or the black widow... or
even the mosquito??? All of these ideas are applicable, and we
certainly need to consider them.
Just think about a being that is made up of a big "dose" of
crocodileness, but with the finely tuned brain of the human
body... only more dangerous because there are still "psychic ties" to
the "neter" or "principle" of the crocodile...
have a serious problem here. And as usual, the devil is in the
R: That doesn’t mean we should feel sorry for them. They are
just another part of ’creation’, a form which is less developed,
perhaps, than a ’souled’ person. And, since all of creation is exactly
the way it is supposed to be, they are surely entitled to be here.
But, they are NOT us.
L: Yes. And if we hang out with physical
crocodiles, we will be eaten. They have a right to exist - and we have
the right to stay away from them - and defend ourselves in an adequate
way if they attack. And we also have a right to KNOW about them -
which has been seriously covered up for a very long time.
Apparently, we can not regard them as just ’animals’ because they are
one step upward from that state (of course, we are all "just
animals"). We will obviously have to continue to interact with them
regardless of what they are unless we all can become hermits.
L: See above. Obviously, interacting with SOME of them is
possible. But interacting with some others is deadly.
R: We
will have to (both individually and collectively) come to some
decision about how we are going to treat, to interact with, and to
regard those individuals who are OPs.
L: I think if we try to
understand the principles of the "neters" and try to learn to identify
just exactly what "sort" we are confronted with, it might be a lot
R: I am not advocating any idea of acting against
them. What I am thinking is that we just have to act in accordance
with our path and our destiny. That would mean to me that one should
walk the path with even greater awareness of the dangers in the woods.
And, it looks like the woods just got a whole lot creepier
L: Sure did.
think we are all beginning to see just how pervasive this OP scenario is
and how it has been affecting us all down the ages.
If "knowledge protects" is true, perhaps this is one of the
biggest examples yet.
It’s also possibly the most important thing we will ever master
- in terms of seeing the unseen.
certainly have our work cut out for us.
discussion brought out and developed some interesting ideas:
1. The function of the OP as a bridge.
2. Their
relationships to soul pools of flora and fauna.
3. The idea that
there is nothing here to “fix”. The Organic Portal is performing a
function in the universe. It has its
the discussion was leaving out one very important function of the Organic
Portal which is mentioned above: their aforementioned coopting by 4D STS
as a means of draining energy from those who have chosen to work their way
out of the Matrix. This was brought home by a post from M*** which is
worth reading in its entirety.
of his arguments is presented this way:
“They are generic vehicles or portals, in human form, open for
use by a variety of forces, which is why they make excellent matrix
puppets. It just so happens that they’re being used now by 4D STS to
control 3D STS / 4D STO candidates through "clapper" and "vampire"
functions -- keeping us locked into a behavioral pattern matching the
orchestrated norm, and being physically close to us to sap our energies
and keep us from having enough "escape velocity" to remove ourselves
from the Matrix Control System’s tug, via development of our
magnetic centers.”
we see that the “natural” function of the OP of imitation of the soul
energy, the process by which they were able to progress and evolve,
assumes a specific character with the STS development stream of collecting
the soul energy of souled individuals in order to pass it along the
feeding chain to 4D STS. The principal role of the OP is now to prevent
the genuine seeker from advancing along the Way.
This is clear
when we look at the following:
OPs collect soul energy from souled individuals.
This energy is transmitted to 4D STS.
OPs are intermixed in families with souled individuals.
When a souled individual makes the commitment to the “work,” he
or she needs to learn to conserve the soul energy for without it the
work cannot be done.
When one makes a commitment to the “work,” one comes under
This “attack” comes from those closest to you: family and
“BUT, when someone is in the process of ‘growing’ and
strengthening the soul, the Control System will seek to insert even
more ‘units’ into that person’s life.”
in many ways, the actual work of learning to discern the “A” influences
from the “B” influences involves learning to discern the true nature of
your relationships in order to conserve your energy from the OPs around
you so that you have that energy to grow and strengthen your soul.
is made clear by Mouravieff when he makes
the following comments about understanding the “film” of your
theory, the film in which a man is born and in which he lives can go on
until the end of the world, on condition that he is happy, satisfied
with himself, attributing his virtues to himself, and blaming others for
his mistakes and misfortunes. Properly speaking, this kind of existence
cannot be considered as human; it could be described as anthropoid. This
term is justified in the sense that exterior man, immersed in
self-satisfaction, represents the crowning achievement of
millions of years of evolution of the species from its animal ancestors,
yet, from the point of view of esoteric evolution, he is a
possibility which has not yet been realized.
If we envisage
the problem of esoteric evolution from the point of view of the film and
the different parts man can play in it, it is clear that this kind of
evolution is impossible as long as the film can always be considered as
running in the same circle. People who perform in such a film are those
we have called anthropoids, puppets, the dead who, in the words of
Jesus, ‘believe themselves to be alive’. Esoteric evolution
starts when man, by his conscious efforts, proves capable of breaking
the circle and transforming it into an ascending spiral.
(Book I, pp 234-5)
to do this, those secondary roles, those filled by the
puppets, the Organic Portals, must be eliminated from the film.
we have just said, man most often comes to this idea of evolution after
he has already complicated the film to which he belongs. But true
evolution cannot occur except on the basis of the original film – after
all the artificially added elements have been eliminated. The latter is
conditional on a return to the purity of the centers, especially the
emotional centre which – at last at the start – is the sole
receptacle of ‘B’ influences, and seat of the magnetic centre. The heart
must therefore be pure, and if it is not already pure it must be
purified. This is the sine qua non condition of success.
(Book I, p. 238)
Among those “artificially added elements” which need to be
eliminated are the Organic Portals.
will return to this later.
Organic Portals – The “Other” Race
How An
Organic Portal Views the Organic World
Fortunately, because the OP can be intelligent, observant, and
analytical, and because they appear to include some of our most famous
scientists, they are able to describe for us how they see the world and
their interior “life” very accurately and in great detail.
At the bottom of this is perhaps the answer as to the source of
one of the most enduring debates of human history i.e. good versus
Why is it that there is so much strife in the world, why
are so many divided over the promotion of war or peace, respect or
disrespect, environmental protection or destruction, in short, a purely
material self serving outlook or a spiritual serving of others outlook?
Perhaps we are getting close to the answer, for the truth would
seem to be that there is not and never has been a homogenous “we” (the
human race) on the planet, “we” are not all alike, “we” do not see the
world in the same way, “we” are not just a divided race, we are two
different races.
It becomes clearer then why most “top
scientists”, in their theories, do not consider the spiritual dimension,
or quickly write off any “unconventional” theories. The OP scientist (and
just how many OP scientists there are is discussed further below) has no
notion whatsoever of “spirit” or of the existence of higher centers. They
are incapable of experiencing these higher centers, and therefore their
descriptions of the world are lacking them.
because they cannot experience them, they deny their existence for
everyone, including for those who are capable of “seeing” what the OP is
incapable of seeing. In a materialistic world, where Organic Portals are
in their Natural Element, and Souled Beings are NOT, with Organic Portal
science drawing the boundary between what is true and what is false, there
is no place for the Higher realms. It is “false” compared with the
self-evident “truth” of materialism as experienced at all levels by the
The Organic Portal in his role of scientists is bound to come
to a materialistic explanation for the workings of the universe because
that is all they know and are able to see.
This is very clear when
we look at the question of consciousness itself. The answers are very
The apparent ability of humans to be “self-aware” and
the question of consciousness is one that has troubled the minds of
philosophers, psychologists, scientists and the odd layperson, too, since
time immemorial. Today more than ever consciousness is one of the most
perplexing problems outstanding in science, and one that reflects on our
very nature and relation to reality.
Western culture has seen
various theories put forward as to the nature of human consciousness. Most
of these can be included in one of two main schools of thought, i.e. the
materialistic, Darwinist, evolutionary/“survival of the fittest” approach
which proposes that mind/consciousness is an epiphenomenon which arises on
top of material existence. From this scientific viewpoint the brain is a
computer, with neurons and synapses acting as basic switches and "bits",
and consciousness is thought to "emerge" as a novel property of complex
On the other hand, we have the more “spiritually”
inclined school of thought, which holds the above to be wholly inadequate
in explaining the phenomenon (undoubtedly fuelled by various religious
teachings and creeds), and which holds to the concept of an ethereal
spirit inhabiting the body/mind and expressing itself in the form of
consciousness and that this is the fundamental aspect of life. Other
schools mixing and matching from the two also exist.
To this point,
it is interesting to look at just who are the various exponents on
opposing sides of the argument. In one camp we have the many scientists
and MDs of various disciplines such as the “neural Darwinism” of
Edelman and the “memes” of Dennet and Dawkins. In the other camp we
find “new age” gurus and authors and the odd respectable scientist such as
David Chalmers, as well, of course, as the Church and the many
twisted turns of Christianity.
We find there that many OP
concepts have been utilized to coopt spiritual truth. We find many OPs,
imitating souled beings in their "spiritual searching," promoting ideas
and theories that are fundamentally flawed because they are "imitations"
of the real thing which the OP can never, by his very nature, perceive
Startling figures recently released show that 50% of
all medical and scientific papers are published by the same small group of
academics, who account for just 6% of the total number. If we take it as
real that our reality is manipulated to a large extent, then the logical
step to keeping the scientific world under control would be to ensure that
it is populated with people that will reflect the views and opinions that
suit a specific agenda.
The same is true for the spiritual and
esoteric world. 4th Density STS makes sure that the religions,
spiritual concepts, and nearly the entire metaphysical "world" is
dominated by OPs to keep the "cattle in the fence."
Indeed, a
perfect strategy might be to ensure that top posts are held by organic
portals allowing the controllers to rest safely in the knowledge that all
mainstream theories and research will have a definite materialistic and
non-spiritual slant, thus perpetuating the Darwinist evolved “monkey
clinging to a godless lump of rock spinning in space” shtick and keeping
those pesky souled beings under their spell.
One “top man” with a
relatively new axe to grind is Richard Dawkins.
Dawkins, while developing the singular theory that humans were the method
developed by genes to perpetuate themselves, coined the term “meme”
in 1976 as a way to describe and validate the idea outlined above, i.e.
that consciousness is merely a function of groups of ideas or
concepts in our minds.
differs, however, in his interpretation is that it is not the “machine”
that collects and organizes data and then takes some predetermined action
based on it, rather these “memes” take on a more hostile attitude and in a
“virus”-like way, they invade the human mind (individual and mass) and
compete with each other for dominance and, therefore, survival in the
fertile ground that is the human neurological network.
In the words
of Dr Susan Blakmore (another chief “meme head”),
Memes are ideas, skills, habits, stories or inventions, that are
passed from person to person by imitation. Like genes they compete to
get copied, but unlike genes their competition is for space in our
memories, and for the chance to get into books, magazines and television
programmes. The survivors in this game are the ones we see all around
us. Just as genes have created our bodies, so memes have created our
minds and our cultures.
explains, so the theory goes, our incurably religious nature, our
unusual forms of cooperation and altruism, our use of language, and our
ability to defy our genes with birth control and genetic engineering. We
humans, alone on this planet, are meme machines. The term ‘meme’ (to rhyme
with cream or dream) was coined in 1976 by Richard Dawkins, in The
Selfish Gene. The purpose of his book was to explain the power and
generality of Darwin’s great insight.
Darwin had realized was that a simple mindless process can account for
evolution --- without a designer. If you have creatures that vary, and if
only some of them can survive, and if the survivors pass on to their
offspring whatever it was that helped them survive, then the next
generation must be better adapted than the first---and so the process goes
on. In more modern terms, if you have variation, heredity and selection,
then you must get, as philosopher Dan Dennett puts it "Design
out of Chaos without the aid of Mind". And this inevitable process
works on anything that is copied---not just genes.
Dan Dennett had
this to say about memes and viruses:
Dawkins points out that we can think of cultural items, memes, as
parasites, too. Actually, they are more like a simple virus than a worm.
Memes are supposed to be analogous to genes, the replicating entities of
the cultural media, but they also have vehicles, or phenotypes; they are
like not-so-naked genes. They are like viruses (Dawkins, 1993).
with viruses, there is a phenotype/genotype distinction, but just
barely. Basically, a virus is just a string of DNA (or RNA) with
attitude. And similarly, a meme is an information-packet (the
information, not the vehicle) with attitude--with some phenotypic
clothing that has differential effects in the world that thereby
influence its chances of getting replicated.
Dennett is one of the most ardent defenders of the theory “mind
as program”, although in Dennett’s theory, the mind is not one
program, it is a collection of very simple programs which each do one
thing very well. This is detailed in his book Consciousness
Dennett proposes that this collection of programs gives the
impression of a unity that is the “self,” but that this self as unity does
not exist. Dennett is giving a very accurate description of the way
the mind works in an Organic Portal. It is also the way of the mind for an
External Man, that is, the “souled” man who has not yet begun the work of
building his magnetic centre which will permit the balancing and fusion of
his three lower centers and the establishment of a permanent link with the
higher centers.
Mouravieff writes:
When we ask someone who lives under this constant pressure of
contemporary life to turn his mental vision towards himself, he
generally answers that he has not enough time left to undertake such
practices. ... If he acquiesces, he will in most cases say that he sees
nothing: Fog; Obscurity. In less common cases, the observer reports that
he perceives something which he cannot define because it changes all the
This last observation is correct. Everything is in fact
continually changing within us. A minor external shock, agreeable or
disagreeable, happy or unhappy, is sufficient to give our inner content
a quite different appearance.
If we follow up this interior
observation, this introspection, without prejudice, we will soon note
that our "I" of which we are so consistently proud, is not always the
same self: the "I" changes.
As this impression becomes
more defined we begin to become more aware that it is not a single being
who lives within us but several, each having his own tastes, his own
aspirations, and each trying to attain his own ends.
If we
proceed with this experience, we will soon be able to distinguish three
currents with that perpetually moving life:
that of the vegetative life of the instincts, so to
that of the animal life of the feelings
that of human life in the proper sense of the term,
characterized by thought and speech
is as though there were three beings within us, all entangled together
in an extraordinary way.
So we come to appreciate the value of
introspection as a method of practical work which permits us to know
ourselves and enter into ourselves.
The inner content of man is
analogous to a vase full of iron filings in a state of mixture as a
result of mechanical action. Every shock received by the vase causes
displacement of the particles of iron filings. Thus real life remains
hidden from the human being due to the constant changes occurring in his
inner life.
Even so, as we shall see later, this senseless and
dangerous situation can be modified in a beneficial way. But this
requires work; conscientious and sustained effort. Introspection carried
out relentlessly results in enhanced internal sensibility. This improved
sensibility in its turn intensifies the amplitude and frequency of
movement whenever the iron filings are disturbed. As a result, shocks
that previously were not noticed will now provoke vivid reactions. These
movements, because of their continuous amplification, can create
friction between particles of iron so intense that we may one day feel
the interior fire igniting within us.
The fire must not remain a
harmless flare-up. Nor is it enough that the fire smolders dormant under
the ashes. A live and ardent fire once lit must be carefully kept alight
by the will to refine and cultivate sensitiveness. If it continues in
this way, our state can change: the heat of the flame will start a
process of fusion within us.
From this point on the inner
content will no longer behave like a heap of iron filings: it will form
a block. Then further shocks will no longer provoke interior change in
man as they did previously. Having reached this point he will have
acquired a firmness; he will remain himself in the midst of the tempests
to which life may expose him.
we see that the idea that there is no unitary self is correct from the
esoteric point-of-view.
Only, we go further than Dennett. We hold that the possibility to
create this “self” exists and that approximately 50% of the population of
the earth at this time actually possess the latent resources with which to
do this. This work involves being aware of our actions and responses and
bringing our “programs” to light so that we can reach what lies behind,
what is obscured by the many little “I”s, the real, unified “I”.
further demonstrate the working of the organic portal scientific mind, we
have the following from Francis Heylighen, a research professor at
Free University of Brussels and editor of the Principia Cybernetica
Project, “an international organization for the collaborative
development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy”. In attempting to
convince us of the mind as machine theory, he defines this very situation
and gives us an insight into and description of the mind and nature of an
organic portal.
In “Is there a Hard Problem of
Consciousness” he writes:
First person experiences or qualia are the essentially
subjective, personal feelings or experiences that each of us have (e.g.
the feeling of “redness” or “cold”), and that cannot be described by
words, formulas, programs or any other objective representation.
According to some consciousness theorists, such as David Chalmers, an
agent without such qualia would merely be a “zombie”, a creature that
may behave, sense and communicate just like a human being, but that
would lack the most crucial aspect of consciousness. The “hard problem”
of consciousness research then consists in elucidating the nature of
first-person experiences.
We believe that this approach is
essentially misguided. If the hypothetical zombie behaves in all
respects indistinguishably from a person with consciousness, then the
principle of the identity of the indistinguishable would force us to
conclude that the “zombie” has consciousness. How else would we
know that the people around us aren’t zombies? We assume they have
conscious experience similar to ourselves because they behave in all
other respects similar to us. But if you would take this reasoning
seriously, then you might start to get nightmarish fantasies in which
you are the only real, conscious person in the world, and all the others
are merely sophisticated automatons that pretend to be like
you ever had this “nightmarish fantasy” that the world is populated by
zombies ?
Well, guess what, it isn’t a fantasy. Half the people out there
are exactly that: “sophisticated automatons that pretend to be like
It is entirely fitting that he uses the term “agent” (the
Matrix movie anyone?)
for the type of programmed being, “be they made from flesh and blood or
silicon chips”…
He goes on to say:
Agents do not sense the world as if they were impersonal,
objective bystanders, that try to internally represent the world as it
is, independently of themselves. For an agent a sensation is meaningful
only to the degree that it relates to the agent’s goals, which, in
practice, means that it is relevant to the agent’s individual survival.
Heylighen is describing the predator’s mind. This is
startlingly close to the actual real life scenarios of psychopath’s
behavior and thinking that are presented in Cleckely’s book “The Mask of
The author concludes:
Consciousness is not some mysterious substance, fluid, or
property of matter, but a level of organization emerging from abstract
processes and relations. People who search for consciousness in
elementary particles (a form of panpsychism that has been
suggested as a way to tackle the “hard problem”), because they cannot
otherwise explain where the consciousness in our brain comes from, are
Their intuition may be correct insofar that particles, just like
any other system, should be seen as relations rather than just as clumps
of matter. But to attribute consciousness to these extremely simple
types of relations is merely a way to evade the really hard, but
solvable, problem of reconstructing the complex cybernetic organization
of the human mind in all its details and
we have seen the Organic Portal view of themselves. Whether or not
the individuals named are Organic Portals is not the issue. They
may be souled individuals who have not yet been able to see behind the lie
of the Personality. As long as that has not happened, souled individuals
will function and see the world and themselves as if they were Organic
it is clear that this manner of “explaining” consciousness is
limited, explaining only that particular form of consciousness manifested
by the Personality - the exterior man. It can describe the functioning of
the OP or the exterior man; it can not do justice to the consciousness of
the Seeker engaged in the work of fusion to seat the
We next look at
the question of creativity
have seen that the OP learns through imitation. Meme theory posits
that memes spread through imitation. And works of art, books,
music, scientific ideas, all of these forms of “creation”, are merely the
spreading of memes. A “creator” is someone who takes memes and finds new
ways of putting them together, of arranging and rearranging. But nothing
is ever really “created.”
This is because the moving centre of the
Organic Portal, unable to draw energy from the higher emotional and
intellectual centers which do not exist for him. His creativity in the
form of "love" is limited in its functioning to carnal love.
is important to remember that – except of course for adamic man – every
creature taking part in organic Life on Earth, whether it has one centre
to its psyche, two, or three as in the man of the VIth day
[the organic portal], has only one higher centre. Indeed, on the hylic
plane, the sexual centre is analogous to the higher emotional and higher
intellectual centers, since it is by nature and structure whole, that
is, indivisible.
Except when its energy is usurped by the three
centers of the Personality, the sexual centre in its direct function,
which is carnal love, has a goal that is well defined by the words: Be
fruitful, and multiply. In other words, in a healthy organism, this
centre, like the higher emotional and intellectual centers, knows
neither doubt, nor hesitation, nor sadness, which is quite the opposite
with what is too often the case with the three lower centers….
(Gnosis, Book III, p. 143.)
special function of the sexual centre in souled beings is explained
further by the C’s:
Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a
similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?
A: No - it
recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of
creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked
by the lower intellectual center and the moving center, transduces the
energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the
higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of
the lower centers’ interaction with those pesky organic portals so much
loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a
difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also
more available to the other higher centers.
Q: From where does the so-called "sexual center" get
ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with
7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I
Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction.
Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
creativity comes from this connection with “7th density in its
‘feminine’ creative thought of ‘Thou, I Love’” in its conjugation with the
higher emotional and intellectual centers. Thus the souled
individual is able to “create” in the sense of manifesting something
new through his or her thought and the connection to 7th
Density. This is a profound process for it ties us directly to the
“Creator”, to the One.
The organic portal, when seeking to
define this genuine creative impulse, is obliged to fall back upon the
idea of the meme, of imitation. Look at Dennett describe the
creative act:
This is a new way of thinking about ideas. It is also, I hope to
show, a good way, but at the outset the perspective it provides is
distinctly unsettling, even appalling. We can sum it up with a slogan:
A scholar is just a library’s way of making another library.
don’t know about you, but I am not initially attracted by the idea of my
brain as a sort of dung-heap in which the larvae of other people’s ideas
renew themselves, before sending out copies of themselves in an
informational Diaspora. It does seem to rob my mind of its importance as
both author and critic. Who is in charge, according to this vision - we or
our memes?
There is, of course, no simple answer. We would like to
think of ourselves as godlike creators of ideas, manipulating and
controlling them as our whim dictates, and judging them from an
independent, Olympian standpoint. But even if this is our ideal, we know
that it is seldom if ever the reality, even with the most masterful and
creative minds.
Mozart famously observed of his own brainchildren:
“When I feel well and in a good humor, or when I am taking a
drive or walking after a good meal, or in the night when I cannot sleep,
thoughts crowd into my mind as easily as you would wish. Whence and how
do they come? I do not know and I have nothing to do with it. Those
which please me I keep in my head and hum them; at least others have
told me that I do so.”
Mozart is in good company.
Rare is the novelist who doesn’t claim characters who "take on a life of
their own"; artists are rather fond of confessing that their paintings
take over and paint themselves, and poets humbly submit that they are the
servants or even slaves to the ideas that teem in their heads, not the
bosses. And we all can cite cases of memes that persist unbidden and
unappreciated in our own minds.
Let us look at this notion of
“where do creative ideas come from?”
the External Man, that is, the souled individual who has yet to begin the
work of forming the magnetic centre, there is a connection, albeit veiled,
with the higher centers. Because it is veiled, “ideas” which are able to
pierce the veil will have the appearance of “appearing from nowhere.” They
may well be genuinely creative acts, however, the Personality is unaware
of this.
The arrival of a meme in the mind of the organic portal
will also have the appearance of “appearing from nowhere”, but in this
case, there is no veil that has been pierced, no higher centre from which
it has received nourishment. Because the OP and the souled individual who
has yet to begin esoteric work are describing the same surface features of
an event – the “creative” act -- they may well confound the genuine
creative act with the mere propagation of the meme.
“creation”, our connection with “7th density in its ‘feminine’
creative thought of ‘Thou, I Love’”, is reduced to mere imitation and
emptied of its expression of Love. If every creative act is an expression
of Love, and every act of imitation is not, we can see clearly that we
live in a world without Love.
Having come to the realization that there are 3 billion Organic
Portals in the world, discussion at the Quantum Future School
turned to “How do we identify them?” This is not easy, as their primary
talent is that of imitation, of mimicry. As we saw in the section on where
they fit in the Organic world, it is through imitation that they are able
to begin the process of developing their own souls. This ability to mimic
must therefore be an integral part of their character. To progress, they
must be good at it.
This implies that the “best” OPs will be the
best mimics, the ones best able to mimic being “souled.”
the internal structure of the OP is missing the higher centers, having
only the three lower centers which form the Personality, the “I” of
the small “I”s, and the “I” of the body, and a sexual centre cut off from
the other higher centers.
study of the following passage by Mouravieff gives indications on
how a careful study of the inner dynamic of people can separate the “good
seed” from the “tares”.
The adamic man who has even a vague consciousness of his real ‘I’
finds that this is a source of internal conflict that he cannot solve on
a purely human plane. This conflict becomes more acute from the moment
he actively enters esoteric work. It is then that he becomes weak and
falls a prey to uncertainty, doubt, and mistrust towards himself, for
the road that leads to Truth always passes through doubts.
Throughout this work, we have seen several times the considerable
sum of efforts and super-efforts that are demanded of the adamic man,
who, after having recognized his position in life, resolutely crosses
the First Threshold and climbs the staircase to attain and pass the
Second Threshold with its promised Redemption.
(Gnosis, Book III, pp. 131-132)
the first indication of an Organic Portal is a lack of “internal
conflict and resulting doubt.” There are people who never doubt their
thoughts or what they are told or what they have chosen to believe. No
matter the circumstances, the failures or set-backs, these people are
unassailed by self-questioning or questioning of the system. How many of
you reading this site were prompted to do so because of a feeling of
conflict or doubt about what was “out there” and what some intuition or
inner knowing was suggesting?
character Morpheus sums it up pretty well in The Matrix:
“You are here because you know something……”
OP does not have this inner conflict, they do not react to evidence of
“more to life” than material existence. But even if the OP is not beset
with this type of doubt, they can and do have a form of “inner conflict”
that is Personality based.
Mouravieff explains
Pre-adamics are not subject to these fits of anguish and these
permanent inner conflicts; not that they live in perfect peace, or are
never troubled by conflicts – far from it – but in most cases their
conflicts take place in the interior of the Personality, between
different groups of the little ‘I’s which produce these conflicts. As a
result, the character of the conflicts is purely psychic, and they are
generally resolved by some kind of compromise.
The more acute
conflicts that take place in pre-adamic man occur between the ‘I’ of the
Personality and the ‘I’ of the body. We have dwelt at length on this
subject in volume II of Gnosis, emphasizing the fact that the ‘I’ of the
body usually wins over the weak, changing Personality, which capitulates
without much of a struggle whenever it is a question of satisfying the
stomach or the sexual appetites.
Justification is then sought in
slogans such as those which allow us to think that it is normal to ‘act
like everyone else,’ or in a maze of paradoxical reasons that are simply
lies to oneself.
(Gnosis, Book III, p. 132)
The inner conflicts of the Organic Portal are not about his
relationship to the world in the sense of his fundamental “Being” in
this world. He cannot become preoccupied by such questions, because they
arise from the influence of the real ‘I’. There can be no contradiction
between the Organic Portal and his Being in this world because he is
fully OF this world, he is the expression of it as a material
The souled individual, however, is different,
having “fallen” into this world, retaining a memory of the higher worlds
which come to him through the real “I”. The tension between this
“re-mind-er” of his true nature from the real “I” and the fallen nature
of his Personality is what creates the potential for esoteric work, is
what creates the grounds for the heating of the crucible as the two
enter into conflict. [The conflict described in alchemical texts, the
tests of the Knight on the Quest for the Grail.]
But the
inner conflicts of adamic man, who often enters esoteric work because he
has reached the last extremity of moral bankruptcy, cannot be resolved
by compromise, as there is no place for this kind of solution in the
consciousness of the real ‘I’ from which he receives his calls. In him,
it is the ensemble formed by the entire Personality, with the ‘I’ of the
body, an ensemble which, directly or indirectly, is often made to act by
the sexual centre, which flees from the voice of conscience, i.e. of the
real ‘I’. He then has a choice, either to obey his real ‘I’ and triumph
over himself, or to flee from this invisible Combat into self-calming
and powerful illusions offered by a life of lying to himself.
every case, if he triumphs over himself, which is what will enable the
adamic man to resolve the inner conflict of the moment, this will
inevitably involve a modification of his attitude towards outer life.
Generally, the result will be conflict with those closest to him, unless
the latter follow him step by step in his esoteric evolution, which is
This does not mean that those who are near and dear to him
wish him any ill; on the contrary, it is nearly always his good that
they have in view: the conflict arises simply from their different
conceptions of what is real. If those who surround the individual in
question are pre-adamic, they could never agree with him, being
incapable of understanding the reasons for his change of attitude and
unable to grasp the nature of the end he pursues. They will
automatically become the instruments of the General Law, which makes
sure that those who step out of line are brought back into the fold.
This is how ‘a man’s foes shall be of his household.’
Mouravieff describes the situation for the Seeker, but only
hints at the activity of the Control System when he mentions the “General
Law” or “A” influences. The C’s have said, in the session quoted above,
“the Control System will seek to insert even more ‘units’ into
that person’s life.”
have also seen how the Organic Portal’s natural role has been
coopted by 4D STS.
would imply that the problems arising from different conceptions of what
is real will be used, magnified, and stoked to the wildest proportions
imaginable by the conscious activities of the Controllers as they
seek to feed themselves and prevent the Seeker from walking the
Pre-adamic man cannot be subject to inner or domestic conflicts
of this kind. He rarely receives ‘B’ influences. If he vaguely senses
their existence, they only appear as a curiosity to his eyes and do not
have the power to trouble him right down to the depths of his psyche. In
him, the sexual centre reigns supreme, whether by its direct action that
takes the form of carnal love, or by an indirect, ‘psychological’,
action of the psyche to which his Personality submits.
Like adamic man’s, his Personality contains three lower centers,
but that is all. Equally underdeveloped and unbalanced, but sheltered
from the troubles provoked by the ‘B’ influences, this Personality lives
and acts obedient to the commands of the sexual centre. Nothing within
him withstands the latter, which is known in contemporary language as
In the arena of the ‘exterior’ life of human
society, dominated by the ‘A’ influences, the adamic man who has crossed
the First Threshold proves to be weaker than his pre-adamic
counterpart…; and the greater the strength he acquires during his
progress on the Staircase, the greater is his weakness when faced with
(Gnosis, Book III pp. 132-133)
last comment gives another clue. The pre-adamic being is IN his or
her environment in a way that an adamic being is not. The world with its
“A” influences holds great attraction. The activity of the sexual center
seeks gratification in a world more and more sexually charged through
media and open displays of sexual imagery. The “I” of the body can exist
happily on the level of a basic animal existence governed by the lower
centers, but the developing real “I” in the process of activating the
higher centers cannot.
throughout it all, the soulless being doesn’t feel uncomfortable, unless
they have been caught up in the brainwashing of Church, etc., intended
to control the souled. We see also that the Organic Portal will not
react to “B influences” (which are evidence of a greater or spiritual
reality) when they intrude upon his daily life but will rather quickly
seek to dismiss them.
The question of identifying OPs also led to
further exchanges among members of the Quantum Future
J: Ok, but surely there would be much more evidence of
this in our interactions with people, I mean there are 3 billion of
L: There is a lot of evidence. But we are programmed
by the system, through the OPs, to either misperceive, misinterpret, or
simply refuse to believe the objective evidence.
As to the larger
picture, there is also evidence that, in our interactions with them,
they are prevailing. Just look at the state of the world right now. They
are running the show.
And because they have acted as the
"portals" of the 4D STS manipulations (ya really gotta read this
"operators and things" to see how it all works!) - what we see in our
world is exactly what the 4 D STS wants.
again, remember what C’s said: the really good ones are SO good that it
is almost impossible to identify them. And that is exactly what we are
trying to formulate here: how to identify???? How to keep from "dancing"
with them so as to conserve enough energy to grow our awareness
so that we can SEE the unseen better, so that we can be colinear with
others who see... so that our frequencies will mutually and reciprocally
commutate... so that there will be sufficient "leaven" to leaven the
whole loaf at the point of "splitting of universes" which will guide our
trajectory to the 4D STO reality.
Or so it
H: We have learned that the "best" OPs are really,
really hard to identify, even after a long period of study. Factor in
that in the social circles within which most if not all of us move,
there might be a preponderance of the better ones. I would guess that
the people on this list are fairly well educated, they have internet
access, they read regularly (right there, that sets us apart from most
people these days), and we read things which have more meat on them than
a Danielle Steele novel. We most likely do not spend much time
with people who live in front of the TV. And if the people around us do
this, then we will think they are "like us."
But consider that
people like Dawkins and Sagan are/were very possibly
OPs. What in their day-to-day lives would tell you they were OPs?
They married, had families, live lives which are the "model" for our
society. And therein may very well be a clue. Our models of "life" are
probably based upon the "perfect" OP life. So when we go to make the
comparison, we may be comparing OPs to OP models. Of course it is hard
to see! We have ingrained the OPs, souless existence as the
Maybe it is the "souled" individuals who will be easier
to see, they will stick out like sore thumbs because they are hurting
like crazy.
L: Oh, excellent point! And just as you were
writing it, I was reading in Cleckley some ideas that make it
really understandable why he could not quite get to the problem... he
was using models of psychiatry to try to formulate what is "wrong" with
the psychopath... and those models are essentially flawed - they are
created by OPs!
No wonder the poor guy was driving himself nuts
trying to figure this one out. All the psychiatric models say that the
psychopath is the sanest of individuals. They say that people who are
"paranoid" - even if everything else about their lives is successful -
MUST be deeply psychotic - even IF those things that they are "paranoid"
about are possible, not absurd, and even explainable in logical
See how cleverly the system is set up?
It is set
up to establish as an incontrovertible FACT, that anybody who
suggests a "deeper" reality is crazy - or being taken in by a
cult - or is delusional - or psychotic -
But OPs - those who aren’t defective so that their
machines don’t act up like the psychopath does - in their firm
commitment to what you can weigh and measure as the only REAL reality,
are the arbiters of our existence.
What did the C’s say? STS
worships the physical universe. For that orientation, that is all that
really matters - matter.
And, of course, their pin-pointed
devotion to it ensures that what they worship is what they will
become... primal matter.
J: So the idea is that the 3
billion OPs are fundamentally the same as the psychopath subjects
that Cleckley details, from the POV of not having a real feeling,
intuiting, "reading between the lines", soul aspect to their being, but
they are simply too good at minimizing actually having these qualities
for us to be able to discern the difference and they simply don't have
the flaws that the psychopaths have?
L: That seems to be
the point.
And we started out studying them in the really
"flawed" aspects where the "mask of sanity" was not too securely tied
on. Our interactions written about in the Adventures Series and
others, woke us up in a startling way. After a certain period of time,
we realized that there was something much deeper than just simply
bald-faced lying, theft and general spiritual corruption going on out
there in New Age land.
we have a couple of clinical psychologists in the school, there was
quite a bit of off-list discussion about the possible dynamics, and that
led to the idea of psychopathy. Of course, the most available
work on this has to do with Hare’s work with psychopath’s in
prison. That did not quite "fit the bill." Yes, the casual lying for
which none of them seemed to feel any shame even when exposed with
evidence was there.
Yes, the complete "fabrication" of their version of reality was
there. Yes, it was evident that there was absolutely no real empathy
there - they could spout grand words about their interests in helping
children, their "philanthropic activities," and charities etc, and then
turn around and willfully conspire to expose our children to danger by
stealing and publishing very personal information, as well as writing
about them in a libelous and defamatory way in public.
It’s one
thing for them to be hostile toward us, our work, our group, and the
fact that they were mad because we refused to allow them to use us to
either destroy our work or use it for their own financial gain. It was
something else altogether to put our children in harm’s way deliberately
and with vicious intent to hurt us through such maneuvers.
was even more interesting was the completely irrational nature of the
attacks. On the one hand, they would accuse us of being a cult and
making tons of money off the readers of our site. At the same time, they
would write lies about how we lived in squalor and how much our children
were suffering from filth, vermin, and God knows what else.
The one thing that was clear about these attacks - based on our
personal interactions with Mr. Most - was that the main reason
they were angry was because we had been their object of prey - they had
seen us as a quick ticket to big buck selling their seminars and books
to our readership, all the while making sure that our own work was
buried. And when we saw through them, and refused to be prey - it was
like the fury of a predator whose dinner has escaped.
So, there
we were, observing them while they wrote noble sounding essays in public
exuding sympathy and the milk of human kindness - all the while they
were libeling us, defaming us, and - behind the scenes - trying to
destroy our work and our family. And when we published the FACTS - with
witnesses and evidence - they simply brushed it off and claimed that WE
were lying. It was astonishing to me to see such behavior.
simply could NOT conceive of human beings with literally no empathy, no
shame, and utterly no ethics whatsoever. Especially when they were so
capable of giving the impression that they had them and further, were
able to convince others who simply believed every word they said, and
never did their own checking or asking questions. I’m sure they relied
on the laziness of their readers.
So, it was this astonishment,
this puzzlement, at their behavior that actually drove us to
investigate. Had they behaved as "normal human beings" - as we expect
normal, ethical, human beings to act - most especially those who claim
to be knowledgeable seekers of higher knowledge - we would never have
followed the threads that led to the revelations we have presented on
the site. And, as the puzzlement grew, as we dug deeper, we began to see
that there was a whole lot more to this puzzle than met the eye.
realized at some point that the characteristics of the psychopath were
like caricatures - writ large and in flashing neon. Yes, we certainly
saw them in the actions of these people, but the niggling idea that
these are things we experienced with other more "normal" people who
never did any of the horrible things that say, Ira Einhorn or O.J.
Simpson, or even Maynerd Most would do, just wouldn’t go
So, we moved to another area of study: Cleckley. And he
does, indeed, talk about some psychopaths who have never gone "over the
line" in social terms. They are successful doctors, lawyers, even
What we now suspect is that there is an even
more covert "layer of the onion" on this subject: the effective and
efficient Organic Portal. The PERFECT Mask of Sanity. But more
than that: the perfect Mask of Consciousness.
we accept, as Mouravieff describes, that the Organic Portal has the
possibility of moving forward in his own evolution during the next cycle,
moving from pre-adamic to adamic, and if we also admit that the current
cycle is approaching its end, there is the following possibility.
are living in the period when a certain number of OPs have achieved an
imitation of the souled being which is so realistic, so developed, that
they can only come back as adamic beings. They can not evolve any further
within these bodies.
This forces the Seeker to develop his or her
discernment, to refine it continually in order to “see” finer and finer
degrees of manipulation happening around and to us. It will heat the
crucible to higher and higher temperatures, creating in turn the
conditions of liberation.
Let’s pull together the various threads and weave a tapestry
which illustrates our current situation.
By “going for the gold,”
that is, desiring to experiment with physicality, our consciousness unit
fell from its state of “grace,” that is, a 3D STO existence in a
“semi/sort of” 4D state aligned with 4D STO into a 3D STS world already
populated with an anthropoid race who served as organic portals, the
bridge linking 2nd Density to 3rd Density.
Having fallen, and thereby losing awareness of its connection to
the higher centers, the souled race was in no way different from the
anthropoid race when seen from the exterior. He differed only in having
the potential to reconnect with the higher centers by developing the
magnetic center. The DNA which seated these higher centers was burned
away - disconnected and dispersed in the cell structure. However, the
ability to get it back remains.
This 3rd Density STS
world in which Adamic man “awoke” was not his natural habitat. It is the
world of the anthropoids, the meat puppets, the dead who think they are
living, the world of the Organic Portal, a world of matter and material
explanations of existence. It is a farm run and controlled by 4D STS to
provide their nourishment. It is the world of the three lower centers and
a sexual center limited to a role of procreation through carnal love.
is a world organized on the basis of hunger, sex, and
The souled race came into this world and became
part of it, interbreeding with the native race until the genetic pool
became thoroughly mixed. Now, the two races are so mixed that they can
both be found within the same family.
More than that, the models we
are taught and forced to internalize are based upon the “natural”
inhabitant of this realm, the Organic Portal. Thus, material explanations
are the norm. The inner life of the Organic Portal, cut off from
the higher centers, is the “norm.”
Should we then be surprised that we live in a world,
which is more and more “mechanical”
which treats individuals as “units”
where “creativity” is the replication of existing ideas as in
a production line
where “franchising” and “branding” are so important in the
economic world
where democracy is a multiple choice test every few years
rather than the creative input of individuals into the organization
of their lives
where people who “see” other beings, other worlds, are
shipped off into prison camps for the “mentally
where culture consists of endless copies of the same product
with slight modifications to fool the consumer that it is something
“new” and “revolutionary”
on and on it goes...
And it is all organized to prevent YOU from
advancing, to distract YOU, to keep YOU concerned with a husband, wife,
mother, father, daughter or son who is beyond your ability to “save”
because he or she cannot be “saved” -- they are fundamentally different
from you, they do not have the DNA which would allow a soul to
“seat” so as to enable an understanding of the possibility of a higher
Worse, they are draining you of vital energy and thus denying you
any chance of developing your magnetic centre, with the final
destination of this energy being 4D STS. It feeds and maintains the
Matrix. In these interactions, you are nothing but a battery and the
organic portals in your life are the "feeding tubes."
You need that
energy to advance. It is yours, and it is your right to claim and retain
it. But to do so, you must stop this “dance of death” with the Organic
Portals in your life.
Laura addressed the importance of
this in a message to members of the Quantum Future School.
Q: So, based on what you said, right now I am thinking
that seeking a "definitive difference" between OPs and souled
individuals might be practically accomplished more easily by learning to
"see" souled individuals, as you say. Of course this is further
complicated by the fact that souled STS 4D candidates ALSO exist and STS
actions by STO candidates are also tossed in the mix.
Yes. And we might think that souled individuals are those who are
"suffering" in some way. And some of them that suffer the most, might
actually "act out," and they might be classified as "crazy" or whatever
because they simply can’t adjust to the emptiness of the 3D STS
But of course, because they also have a strong
create/expand-survive impulse, they may learn to knuckle under, to "play
the game," to "do the right thing." In these cases, they live lives of
quiet desperation.
And they can be programmed so early on that
the power of their soul is channelized into the "belief systems," so
that, as has been pointed out, their soul energy is what is feeding and
sustaining the Matrix. In fact, I think that this is the usual thing,
and even the purpose of the whole thing.
Q: Hmmm... why do
we need to specifically identify OPs at all?
Ultimately because "dancing" with them - or being intimately
involved, or unaware of the true nature of the interaction with them -
is what keeps us drained and unable to achieve sufficient
graduation frequency. IF - and that’s a big "if" - we can really and
truly interact with them without them draining our energy - all fine and
But, the likelihood is that we can’t do that until we can
truly SEE - and we can never SEE until we have sufficient energy to do
so... and we can’t have the energy to do so as long as we are "dancing"
with the OPs in our lives. So it’s like a catch 22.
You can’t
see them until you stop interacting. And you can’t stop interacting
until you can see them.
So, you have to discover the clues to the
program - and to "experiment" and watch for "reactions" in the Matrix -
and base some choices on the most ambiguous evidence.
If your
decision is correct, it will result in saving enough energy to be able
to see that your decision was correct!
Q: Maybe for our
purposes it is better right now to focus on the "A" influences and the
"B" influences.
L: In a very real and important sense,
determining the nature of our relationships IS the very process of
discerning "A" influence and "B" influences. It is the most important
work we can do. We can accomplish NOTHING else without doing this first.
You cannot be "unequally yoked." You cannot serve two
Q: Instead of labeling definitively the more
subtle cases of OPs, maybe it is better to focus on identifying within
ourselves how much energy is being drained in any interaction. This can
be done I think. And this is the crucial distinction that needs to be
made, imo. I think this is essentially how we are doing it
L: Indeed. And when we discern that our energy
is being drained in an interaction... we are then faced with a very
difficult situation especially if the OP in our lives is of the type
that is not overtly "defective," so to say. It may be a "doggie"
type that is very nice to have around most of the time, though demanding
and draining.
For example: if we are in a relationship
where we feel we "need to get away now and then to recharge" or
something, but in most other respects, the relations are satisfactory,
we may be involved with an OP that is very subtle and good in
terms of draining our energy off.
It may take years to realize
that we are really getting nowhere in terms of spiritual growth, even if
we do sort of manage to "hold the line" with our regular "getaways” or
other coping mechanisms we develop in our
are very happy to be working to leave the 3rd Density STS
Planet Earth to its original inhabitants.
must be as difficult for them as it is for us to continue to cohabit the
same world with such diametrically opposed points of view on how the
universe works and in which direction we should be working.
wish them well in the next Cycle.